BCCT eNews


24^th August 2018   Edition Two.
In this edition:
Presidents Report,
Update on Malton Rd,
Hornsby Council matters,
Update from Damien Tudehope,
Parramatta Council matters,
St Paul's Cemetry,
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President's Report

The Trust is always striving to provide variety and items of interest in the eNews.  The Malton Road Seniors housing development keeps attracting the public’s attention.  Now it’s an advertising problem.  Details are in the article following the Presidents message.

The Trust has been approached by a local resident who has an interest in climate change.  The committee considered the discussion paper worth sharing. His paper is well researched and balanced. It is also consistent with our constitution, as the paper is apolitical. We understand his research is recognised and well received overseas.
Click here to read the paper. (https://middleway.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Rapidly-warming-planet-August-2018.pdf)

A number of residents took advantage of the opportunity to speak to Mr Julian Leeser, our Member for Berowra, in the lower arcade at Beecroft shops last Saturday.  It is important for our elected politicians to be available to listen to their constituents.
Ross Walker
president@bcct2119.com.au (mailto:president@bcct2119.com.au)

The ongoing saga with the Seniors Housing development at 6 – 8 Malton Road Beecroft

This development is still causing annoyance with the Malton Road community. As indicated in the last eNews, local residents have been liaising with Hornsby Council staff and also the developer, so the development can proceed smoothly. According to feedback from locals, dealing with the real estate agent has been a challenge. Residents, after talking to the agent about signage, warned Council three weeks ago that what the agent was proposing would be interpreted as advertising.  Initial response from Council was simplistic, and that advertising for a development was allowed without consent.

However, like most activities, there are limits. In this case, an 80 square metre advertisement clearly breaches the State Government advertising codes for exempt development. The agent has till early September to give reason why the advertising should be allowed. Which should lead people’s thoughts to Hornsby Council’s survey on painted commercial buildings. What is the definition of advertising?

Hornsby Council Matters

The Malton Road hoarding has raised the debate over what is defined as advertising. People will be aware of the chemist franchise chain that requires its premises to be painted a bright colour. While the actual name of the retail company would comply with Hornsby Council’s planning controls, the colouring is not controlled.  Yet it is the colour that is probably the main advertising component!

Hornsby Council has been holding a number of Community Forums, where residents can meet and speak to our Councillors.  Last year it was at North Epping, two months ago it was in A Ward at Berowra. This month it is B Ward’s turn at Pennant Hills Bowling Club on Thursday night 23^rd August from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. While the focus will be on B Ward, residents of Beecroft and Cheltenham are welcome to attend.  (http://monthlychronicle.com.au/2018/08/15/have-your-say-at-hornsby-shires-next-community-forum/)
Click here. (http://monthlychronicle.com.au/2018/08/15/have-your-say-at-hornsby-shires-next-community-forum/)

Latest news from our State Member for Epping Mr Damien Tudehope
Our Member for Epping Damien Tudehope has provided the latest details on infrastructure improvements at Epping . (https://mailchi.mp/1bf4070455e5/damien-tudehope-epping-updates-1651741?e=010951845d) Click here (https://mailchi.mp/1bf4070455e5/damien-tudehope-epping-updates-1651741?e=010951845d)
Update from Hornsby C ward Councillor, Emma Heyde
Council is showing signs of genuinely changing direction: trying harder with community consultation, showing the environment some respect, and rethinking over development. It's nearly a year since the community voted in 7 new Councillors out of 10, and we've got a new GM on board too. So please share your opinions and ideas with me and with Council - it's a good time to be speaking up about what you want for your community.
* Great news: Council is keen to hear from residents interested in having a tree planted on their nature strip. You can also work with neighbours to create an avenue and Council will plant it for you. You can lodge your request, ask to be kept up to date with events, and learn more about local trees here (http://trees.hornsby.nsw.gov.au/) .
* If you are considering solar panels, Council has a free service for advice, quotes and information about free workshops. Learn about it here (http://www.hornsby.nsw.gov.au/environment/sustainability/our-energy-future) .
* I have been speaking out about funding cuts to our local libraries by the state government. We have first-rate librarians in Hornsby Shire but they work in second-rate libraries. Pennant Hills and Hornsby libraries should be twice the size while Galston and Berowra libraries are absurdly small. And Cherrybrook doesn't even have one! Our librarians need and deserve adequate funding from council and state governments to expand, innovate and experiment with new services. Have a say here (http://renewourlibraries.com.au/) .
* The Epping to Pennant Hills bike route is currently being planned. Consultation is likely to happen before Christmas, and work will likely start first half of next year. There will also be public consultation on bike routes between shops, stations and schools in our town centres. As soon as I'm able to release more information on the routes, I'll be in touch.
* I am deeply concerned about how much heritage we are losing e.g. in Bellevue Street Thornleigh. I'm pleased Councillors voted unanimously for a thorough review of heritage across the Shire. Pennant Hills should remain a key area for heritage preservation and protection in my opinion.
* If you're keen to have a say on how Council manages its sports grounds, there is a draft strategy on exhibition (http://www.hornsby.nsw.gov.au/council/noticeboard/your-say/current-exhibitions/draft-hornsby-shire-sportsground-strategy) . Have a say before Friday 7 September.

City of Parramatta Council matters

Like Hornsby Council, Parramatta Council has regular general meetings and business papers and minutes are available on line.  Parramatta Council's next meeting is on 27^th August commencing 6.30pm in the Cloister Function Room, St Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta.https://www.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/council/governance-of-the-council/council-meetings.gov.au  (https://www.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/council/governance-of-the-council/council-meetings.gov.au) Council's link is below. (https://www.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/council/governance-of-the-council/council-meetings gov.au)

https://www.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/council/governance-of-the-council/council-meetings. (https://www.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/council/governance-of-the-council/council-meetings gov.au) gov.au (mailto:julian.leeser.mp@aph.gov.au)

Reminder of Judith Dunn’s talk on St Paul’s Cemetery, Mobbs Hill, this coming Sunday

For those interested in local history, Judith Dunn will be giving a talk on Their Past Revealed - stories of Pioneer Burials in St Paul's Cemetery, Carlingford. There will be a brief mention of other private and closed cemeteries of the area.  Time is 2.00 pm Sunday 26th August 2018 at the Girl Guide Hall, Plympton Road, Carlingford.
RSVP: 23^rd August 2018 to Dorothy Doolan from the Ray Park Heritage Group on 9876 5713 or rpheritage@netspace.net.au (mailto:rpheritage@netspace.net.au)

For further details click here. (http://www.bcct2119.com.au/pdf/Invitation%20to%20talk%20given%20by%20Judith%20Dunn.pdf)

Ahimsa and Marie Byles - Saturday 15^th September and Sunday 16^th September 2018
Please note this weekend in your diaries. The Friends of Ahimsa, with the support of the National Trust, is managing this special weekend. The Friends is being established to assist in promoting and conducting activities at the former home of Marie Byles.  Marie bequeathed Ahimsa to the National Trust when she died. The Friends of Ahimsa consists of a small number of likeminded people interested in protecting Ahimsa. Marie Byles was a well- known local identity. She purchased over a hectare of bushland at the end of Day and Cobram Roads in Cheltenham and built her modest home within the surrounding bushland. Besides being a keen conservationist, Marie was the first female solicitor in NSW, working from her office in Eastwood.  September 2018 will be the 100 year anniversary of her registration as a solicitor.

The Trust, in conjunction with other community groups, is supporting this weekend activity. On Saturday 15^th September the Trust will lead a historical walk through Beecroft and Cheltenham starting at 1pm at Marie’s childhood home in Welham St Beecroft and finishing at Ahimsa in time for the official opening by the Mayor of Hornsby at 3.30pm. On Sunday 16^th September the Trust will conduct our regular Spring Walk departing Ahimsa at 2pm and returning for afternoon tea at 4pm. More details of the events can be found byclicking here. (http://www.bcct2119.com.au/pdf/Ahimsa%20flier%20130818.pdf)   Those interested in attending on one or both days, please email Martin Fallding at info@calli.com.au (mailto:info@calli.com.au) as space will be limited.
Media Information from Ryde Police Area Command
CLICK HERE (http://www.bcct2119.com.au/pdf/Ryde%20Media%20Release%2013%20and%2020%20august%20%202018.pdf)
South Turramurra Environment Protection (STEP)
New August to December Program
CLICK HERE. (https://mailchi.mp/64eaeffa9400/step-matters-190-april-1839845?e=5d3e41977d)
Annual Memberships for 2018... CLICK HERE (http://bcct2119.com.au/membershipform.html)
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!

To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website.
CLICK HERE. (http://bcct2119.com.au/jointhetrust.html)

The eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the community. Currently we have over 1040 email addresses, up from 900 two months ago.  We encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and friends.  The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.  Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. (http://bcct2119.com.au/enewsarchives.html)   To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE (mailto:eNews@bcct2119.com.au?subject=eNews%20Subscribe&body=Please%20add%20me%20to%20the%20BCCT%20eNews) .

At this stage, the Trust will continue to distribute the printed bulletin as not everyone uses the internet.  We are continuing to looking for volunteers who like walking and who may be able to distribute approximately 100 Bulletins a couple of times per year, as this is all done by kind members of our community. If you are able to help out, even as an occasional fill in person, please contact trish@bcct2119.com.au. (mailto:trish@bcct2119.com.au.)

The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.

Kind regards,
Ross Walker

** president@bcct2119.com.au (mailto:mailto:president@bcct2119.com.au)
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